Emerson Radio MBR-1 User Manual

Page 11

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5. Citizen Band

6. Public Service

7. Television Channel Bands 2-13

Your CB hand will allow you to hear full 40-channel communications. The versatility of your
new multi-band will give you full listening capabilities, including all the highway action. You can
now be aware of traffic and road conditions, you can hear what the truckers say and how they
say it, and you can plan your trips to avoid traffic tie-ups and make your long road trips more
enjoyable. CB reception is on a limited range basis, and some conditions that may limit range

of reception are as follows:

CB transmissions are not continuous and there are times when there will be no signal on the
CB frequencies. The telescopic antenna should be fully extended and rotated for best reception.
When used inside a vehicle, the telescopic antenna should be exposed to the outside.

No FCC license is required to operate the CB band on your radio.

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Electrical interference. Power lines and some vehicle ignition system may cause temporary
interference with reception.

Obstructions. Natural terrain such as mountains, hills, trees, or tall buildings.

Weather conditions. Humidity and extreme temperatures.

Atmospheric conditions. Change may cause a broadcast to "skip".

4. Weather Band Operation

The ability to pull in clear signals will vary depending upon your location in relation to the
broadcast location. These signals are somewhat like television signals, in that when you are
40-60 miles from the broadcast point your signal is lessened considerably (Especially if there
are obstructions, like mountains, etc.)

Unlike AM and FM broadcasts, the transmission is not continuous, and there are times when
there is no signal on a given frequency. These are functional broadcasts and are used only
when necessary for the exchange of information. A certain amount of patience will pay off in
much listening enjoyment. The Public Service band will enable you to hear conversations
between fire fighting calls, taxi, truck and other private mobile transmission. The telescopic
antenna should be fully extended, and tuning should be done very slowly and carefully to pick
up all the signals above.

TV1 & TV2 permit you to hear the audio portion of your favorite TV news, daytime drama, talk
or game shows, on channels 2-13. Simply extend the telescopic antenna and tune to desired

Both high-frequency and shortwave reception are sensitive to interference from atmospheric
conditions and certain solar phenomena called "sun spots".

Fluorescent lighting fixtures and television sets may also affect reception. It is suggested that
these latter sources of interference either be turned off when using these bands or that the
radio be at least 12 to 25 feet away from them. In metal frame or reinforced concrete
buildings, the radio should be placed near a window.