EDCO CPU-10FC User Manual
Page 4

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Phone (301) 663-1600 • 1-800-638-3326
Fax (301) 663-1607 • 1-800-447-3326
Website: www.edcoinc.com • Email: [email protected]
The CPU-10FC EDCO concrete scarifier was designed to
remove material from the surface of concrete slabs. The ma-
terial may consist of excess concrete, coatings, contaminants
such as industrial debris, sealer, paint, production line spill
and virtually any foreign substance that creates a safety or
health hazard on walks, passageways or floor surfaces.
The EDCO scarifiers are primarily used for surface prepara-
tion in commercial and industrial buildings. The machine’s
total weight is an advantage when used on upper floors where
lbs per sq. feet is an important factor. We have kept the
overall width to 22 1/2” (57 cm), with outrigger 30” (76.2cm)
to allow for passage through most commercial doorways.
Since the maximum depth of cut is 1/2” (2 cm) in increments of
1/8” to 3/16”, it is not suited for removal of very hard concrete
such as the kind found on roads, bridge decks or runways.
This work is best accomplished by heavy duty milling ma-
chines built for that purpose.
The basic mechanical structure consists of a fabricated steel
frame, a power source - electric or gasoline and a rotating
drum like cutter head that can be raised or lowered to a
chosen depth by the operator.
The CPU-10FC model is designed with an “up-cut” rotation of
the cutter drum assembly, consequently a milling type action
occurs which is more efficient than the “down-cut” found on
the manual units.
The self propelled units require very little manual labor to
operate - a single lever controls speed, forward and reverse
directions. Note that it will cut in forward or reverse direc-
The 10 inch wide drum assembly consists of a welded cage
holding 4 or 6 hardened shafts - locked in place during op-
eration and removable when replacing cutters.
Several styles and sizes of cutter are available. All types
of cutters may be used on both sizes of drum assemblies.
Cutters vary in size - 2 3/8” for light removal, 3” diameter
for longer life. Additional cutter wheel specifications can be
found on literature and price lists.
The efficiency of the scarifier is determined by 3 factors - the
hardness and type of surface to be removed, the type of cut-
ting tool and the power behind the cutters.
What to Expect from your
CPU-10FC EDCO Concrete Scarifier
Since the hardness of the surface cannot be changed
and the cutter type is limited to present state of the art
material and the power source is fixed - there may be
conditions that are beyond the capability of the scarifier.
To exceed these limits will only cause problems. Cutter
life will be shortened drastically, excessive vibration will
most likely cause the scarifier to self destruct.
EDCO cannot accept responsibility if the conditions found
on the job site exceed the ability of the equipment to meet
the contractors expectations. It is the obligation of the
purchaser, user or renter to determine the compatibility
of the scarifier with the job to be performed.
We at EDCO are prepared to assist the user. We can
provide technical information and comparison data on
jobs of a similar nature. Given information on the project
we can advise the contractor which tools, in our opinion,
will suit the job best, approximate production rates and
possibly arrange a demonstration or suggest an alterna-
tive method or equipment.
EDCO concrete scarifiers, when properly used, will
perform efficiently and economically, but as with all
“demolition” equipment, unless proper maintenance is
provided they tend to wear out faster than other mechani-
cal devices.
It is important that each job be considered individually.
Testing should be carried out and a determination made
if the project is feasible under the circumstances. In
those instances where no other alternative is available,
various changes in procedure can be tried - shallower
cutting depth, slower forward speeds, spacing of cutters
changed - extra weight added. We do not guarantee
life of cutters, depth of cut, life of equipment (except for
workmanship). Equipment of this type is capable of self
destruction through misuse or abuse and the owner/op-
erator is the vital component that can mean success or
failure of the project.
Our technical information has been obtained from years
of experience on all types of job sites and we gladly share
this information with you. New materials are constantly
being introduced - concrete is made harder with addi-
tives, chemicals and new curing techniques. We try to
keep up with these changes, it’s a never ending job for
us and we need your cooperation to provide us with ac-
curate job site conditions and information.