Customizing your schedule – EcoTech Marine EcoSmart Live User Manual
Page 7

Customizing Your Schedule
You can create a custom lighting schedule for your aquarium by creating and deleting points. Radions will
automatically fade the light between each point. The color settings of two points and the time that separates
them will determine how noticeable the transition is.
These two periods are defined by the Start Day and Start Night. These times define: Acclimation Period,
Moonlighting, and Night Mode for Vortech
DOUBLE-CLICK to add a control point or edit an existing point.
RIGHT-CLICK on an existing point to delete it.
CLICK & HOLD to drag a point on the graph in time. Start Day & Start night points can also be moved in
this method.
Slow Transition
During this period the lights will slowly increase in brightness
from 50% to 100%. In this case over a period of 3hrs 45min.
Quick Transition
Between these two points the light will rapidly fade from 100% to 50%. In this case the
time to fade is five minutes.
Flat Transition
A flat line between two points indicates that between these two points no change
in color will occur.
Move In Time
Clicking & Hold a point on the graph to move a point left or right and adjust the