Dynaflite GPMA0510 Super Decathlon User Manual

Page 27

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❏ 12. Trim the sheeting and sand the edge to the
angle of the sub-formers.

❏ 13. Glue the third 1/8" x 3" x 7-5/8" sheet to the
side of the sub-formers and to the center of sub-
former 5 (front to back). Trim this sheeting flush
with the bottom sheeting. Use the leftover piece to
sheet the other side.

❏ 14. Using the remaining three 9-7/8" balsa
sheets, sheet the last section, covering the middle
first, then the sides.

❏ 15. Round the edges of the belly pan sheeting
to shape.

❏ 16. Epoxy the 1/8" x 3-1/8" x 7-1/2" ply landing
gear plate in place inside the fuse.

❏ 17. Drill four 3/16" holes through the fuse bottom
and the landing gear plate, using the landing gear
as a guide. Remove the gear and enlarge these
holes to 13/64".