Dynaflite GPMA0510 Super Decathlon User Manual

Page 26

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❏ 7. Glue the die-cut 1/8" ply sub-formers 3, 4, 5
and 6 in place perpendicular to the fuse bottom.
Glue the two die-cut 1/8" ply sub-former braces to
sub-formers 3 and 4.

❏ 8. Glue the four 1/4" x 1/4" x 30" balsa stringers
in place. Sand the stringers to the shape of the
sub-formers. Note: The photo shows you how the
right side stringers are sanded to match the shape
of the sub-formers. Sand both sets of stringers to
match the sub-formers.

❏ 9. From three 1/8" x 3" x 17-1/2" balsa sheets
(leftover from the front of the belly pan), cut three
7-5/8" sheets. Edge glue two pieces, making a 7-5/8"
x 6" sheet. Save the third piece for the sides of the
belly pan. Set the remaining 9-7/8" pieces aside for
step 14.

❏ 10. Sand a taper on one 6" end of the sheet so
that when the sheet is positioned on sub-formers 5
and 6 the tapered end of the sheet fits flat against
the fuselage bottom.

❏ 11. Glue the sheeting in place, aligning it with
the center of sub-former 5 (front to back, not left
to right).