Drawmer DS101 500 Series Noise Gate User Manual

Page 7

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- Noise Gate for 500 Series Systems


2mS to 4 Seconds.

Once the signal has fallen below the Threshold and the Hold time has expired
Decay determines the rate at which the gate closes.


-80 to 0.0 dB

Sets the amount of attenuation applied to the input signal when the gate is closed,
enabling the gate to be used to remove unwanted signals entirely, or simply to
attenuate signals which are too loud. When Duck mode of operation is enabled,
the Range control sets the level to which the signal will be reduced when open

Traffic Light Meter

A three led meter is used to show the operation of the gate. When red the gate is
closed, when green the gate is open and when yellow the gate is closing after the
signal has dropped below the threshold value (as set by Hold).

Duck Switch

Toggles between normal gating and ducking. In Gate mode a Key signal above the
Threshold will cause the Gate to open. In Duck mode the audio passes un-
attenuated until the Key signal exceeds the Threshold - mainly used for voice-overs
or the removal of ‘clicks’ and ‘pops’ using an External Key Trigger.

Bypass Switch

With the Bypass switch active the input signal is routed to the output with no

processing taking place.