DLE 120 User Manual

Page 10

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half way through the propeller with the fi nishing drill bit. Then fl ip
the propeller over and drill completely through the hole.

3. Next, set the engine

at the beginning of the

compression stroke.

Note the position of the
ignition magnet.

4. Place the propeller

on the crankshaft at the
one o’clock position.

5. Mark the location of

one of the outer holes.

Use a GPM Dead Center
H o l e L o c a t o r
(GPMR8130) to center

and start the hole.

6. Remove the propeller

from the engine and

drill the outer hole
using a #35 drill bit as a
pilot hole. Next use a #5

(.2055" / 5.21mm) drill

bit to fi nish the hole. In
order to achieve a clean
opening on both sides
of the propeller, drill
only half way through

the propeller with the fi nishing drill bit. Then fl ip the propeller over
and drill completely through the hole.

7. Use one of the 5x50mm SHCS with 5mm lock washers and fl at

washers to align the propeller washer on the propeller and use the
Dead Center Hole Locator to mark the position of the remaining

fi ve holes.

8. Drill the remaining fi ve holes in the propeller.

9. Securely mount the propeller to the engine using the

5x50mm SHCS with 5mm lock washers and flat washers. Be
sure to use threadlocker.