Installing the dle-20ra on your airplane – DLE 20RA User Manual

Page 7

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7. Secure all connections with heat shrink tubing (not supplied).

8. Install the silicone ignition wire cover over the ignition wire to
the spark plug.

9. Install the spark plug into the engine cylinder (7– 8 lb torque). Do

not over tighten.

10. Install a ball link and nut (available at your local hobby shop) on

the throttle and choke arms. Be sure to use threadlocker.

Installing the DLE-20RA on Your Airplane

Note: The DLE-20RA must be installed on at least a 1/4" [6 mm] quality
5-ply plywood fi rewall. The fi rewall must be securely glued to the
airplane. Use triangle stock and pin the fi rewall with hardwood dowels
to reinforce the fi rewall glue joints. Never install the DLE-20RA onto a

fi rewall thinner than specifi ed because it may fatigue and fail due to

the power of the engine.

1. Select an engine mount. A two-piece engine mount that does not

interconnect or overlap at the fi rewall is preferred for the DLE-20, like
the Dubro Vibration Reducing Engine Mount 1.20-1.80 (DUBG1307).

2. Before securing the engine mount to the fi rewall, test fi t the
engine onto the mount and place the mount onto the fi rewall. Use
this positioning to create an engine mounting template. Use the
template to drill the mounting holes in the locations on the fi rewall.
Note: A Template for mounting the DUBG1307 is provided on page
23 of this manual.
Press the blind nuts into the rear of the fi rewall. If

you choose to use regular nuts or lock nuts be sure to place washers

on the bolts before securing the nuts onto the bolts on the rear of
the fi rewall. Be sure to use Threadlocker on the screws holding the
engine mount to the fi rewall.

3. Place the engine on the engine mount and at the recommended
distance from the fi rewall and test-fi t the cowling on the aircraft to

verify the distance. When you’re satisfi ed with the engine’s position,

mark the location of the four holes on the mount.

4. Remove the engine from the mount. Drill and tap the engine mount

at the position of the four mounting holes. Use an appropriate size

screw (we used (2)1-1/4” and (2) 1” 8-32 thread SHCS). It’s a good
idea to drill and tap all the way through the mounting beams in

order to secure each screw with a lock nut.

5. Install the fuel tank in the airframe. Use only gasoline approved

fuel tank and fuel lines and a gasoline approved stopper. One line

should go to the carburetor and the other is to be used as a vent (a

vent line is simply an open ended fuel line from the fuel tank which