Technical support, Reporting bugs, Trademark notices – Comtrol RocketModem User Manual
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RocketPort® and RocketModem® Driver Installation for Linux
Technical Support
Technical Support
Comtrol has a staff of support technicians available to help you. Before you call,
please have the following information available:
Reporting Bugs
Please send Linux-related bug reports to
Comtrol Corporation technical support can resolve issues related to the
RocketPort hardware and the Linux driver software, but given the nature of Linux
and the many variant distributions available, we cannot be held responsible for
the behavior of the operating system.
Trademark Notices
RocketPort and RocketModem are registered trademarks of Comtrol Corporation.
Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
Fourth Edition, July 11, 2003
Copyright © 1996 - 2003. Comtrol Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
Comtrol Corporation makes no representations or warranties with regard to the
contents of this document or to the suitability of the Comtrol product for any
particular purpose. Specifications subject to change without notice. Some software
or features may not be available at the time of publication. Contact your reseller
for current product information.
Your System Information
Comtrol model and serial number
Interface type
I/O address and IRQ
Operating system type and release
Device driver version
PC make, model, and speed
List other devices in the PC and their
(763) 494-4100
+44 (0)1869 323220
(763) 494-4199
+44 (0)1869 323211
Web support
Web site
FTP site
Document Number: 2000067 Rev. D