Fixed number dialling (fdn), Adding, editing, and erasing an entry – Kenwood EM 618 User Manual

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Q Enter a new 4*digit barring password/

^ then press [ОК].


wtH appeal attor you enter 4 digna.

‘Re*Enier New Barring Password* will appear.


Q. Enter the barring password again/ then

^ press [OK].

wiB appeal oJtor you enter 4 digits

*Ptease WaK’ will appear. II the new bamr^ password is

accepted, 'Bamng Password Changed* will appear H you
entered the barring password incorrectty. ‘Incorrect Barring

Password* will appear.

Re-Enter New

Barring Password

Fixed Number Dialling (FDN)

^^^TTwrwnbefol entries teliw Bleed tfcimberDio№f>glteidapenâtoMh»ciyad(yot the SlMcant^

^Adding, Editing, and Erasing an Entry

You can add a new entry to the Fixed Number Oiantrig list or edit and erase existing entries.

You can use wild cards (*?*) when entenng or ediiing FON numbers. Wild cards allow you to dial

several different phone numbers lhal contain most of the same numbers For example, you can
enter an area code (*1 2 3


and the first few digits of the phone number (*S в 7*), then enter wild

cards lor the remaining digits <*? 7 7*). Doing this, you would be able to call any number beginning
with •! 2 3 4 5 6 7*. The numbers would range from *1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OQO* to‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 9 Э * .

•TbinnnawildcardrT*), pmsandhoU<^forapprtmimalatyl second

When this fMlure is enabled, you corwiot modify the list. To add a new entry or modify the lict,
you must first disabie this feature.





Press [Menu].

Press or C5P until "Change
Security Settings" appears.

Press [Select]/ then press C2Z> or
until "Restrict Calls" appears.

Press [Select]/ then press or
until "Only outgoing calls from Fixed
Number Dialling list" appears.



■ Only outgoing


calls from

Rxod Number

Dialling list