Engine management system, Mc1000 engine control module (unit) - (ecm or ecu), Engine calibration file – Cannondale S440 User Manual
Page 61: Diagnostic connector

Printed : 8/15/02
Engine operation is supported by an Engine
Management System (EMS) which controls both
ignition and fuel delivery. The system consists of
three types of electrical components: an Engine
Control Module (ECM), sensors, and actuators.
The engine control unit (ECU or ECM) precisely
calculates ignition timing and fuel delivery for all
engine speeds and loads (based on the currently
installed calibration file and its mapping). The ECU is
an extremely reliable component and should be the
last component checked in the event there is a
problem with the fuel injection system.
T h e s e n s o r s o f t h e s y s t e m c o l l e c t e n g i n e
operating information and transmit it to the ECU.
Actuators are devices like the fuel injectors, fuel
pump, fuel pressure regulator, spark plug coil, and
MC1000 Engine Control Module (Unit) - (ECM or
The ECM is located on the battery box within the
The ECM (also known as ECU) is the brain of the
fuel injection system. This brain calculates fuel
delivery and ignition timing based on information
gathered from vehicle sensors and the calibration file
loaded at the factory.
Engine calibration file
Your vehicle was loaded with a calibration file
(Numeric Cal ID) when it left the factory. This file is
specific to your vehicle’s VIN number. You may be
a b l e t o b e n e f i t f r o m s u b s e q u e n t l y r e l e a s e d
calibration files when they are developed, however,
always consult with your dealer before attempting to
install any calibration file.
Diagnostic connector
The diagnostic connector is located under the
Engine Management System diagnostics can be
performed using the Cannondale Diagnostic Tool.
The tool is a combination of a specially developed
Windows- based software program and a data cable
used to connect your PC or pocket PC computer to
Components have been removed for this photo.
Engine Control Module (ECM)
Air pressure sensor hose (from airbox and fuel pres-
sure regulator)