Maintenance & adjustment, Important notice, Warning – Cannondale S440 User Manual
Page 46

© 2002 Cannondale Corporation - All Rights Reserved
2003 Motorcycle
Indicates a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death.
This manual has been carefully written. We have
done our best to provide you with special nota-
tions and procedures so that anyone with mod-
erate mechanical skills and abilities should be
able to complete the instructions as described.
T h i s m a n u a l D O E S N O T i n c l u d e e v e r y
DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION that can affect
your safety!
Before you attempt to perform any procedure
described in this section, make sure you read the
“General Safety Precautions” on page 5. Keep
these points in mind whenever you operate or
service the vehicle.
You are responsible for your safety when oper-
ating or servicing the machine.
Make sure you read and understand the entire
procedure before performing any work.
If you doubt your skills and ability to com-
plete a procedure as described, have the
s e r v i c e pe r fo r m e d b y y ou r C a nn on d a le