Introduction – BRP DS70 User Manual
Page 11

Your dealer should have provided
you with some basic information on
the particular controls and features
of your new youth model vehicle.
Please take the time to study this
Operator’s Guide and all on-product
warning labels as well as the SAFETY
VIDEO that came with this vehicle.
They more completely describe what
you should know about this vehicle
before riding it.
Whether you are a new user or an ex-
perienced rider, it is important for your
personal safety as well as passenger
safety that you know the controls and
features of this vehicle. Equally impor-
tant is knowing how to properly ride.
Irrespective of your age, experience or
state regulations, it is always prudent
for you or any other person who may
ride your vehicle, to take an approved
safe riding course. Please check with
your dealer or local authorities for avail-
ability in your area. If you are a com-
pletely new rider, this should be done
before your first ride. Your instructor
should be able to provide advice on lo-
cal conditions and safe riding practices
particular to the area.
Riding conditions vary from place
to place. Each is subject to weather
conditions which may radically change
from time to time and from season to
Riding on sand is different than rid-
ing on snow or through forests or
marshes. Each location may require a
greater degree of awareness and skill
may not be suitable with a passen-
ger. Show good judgement. Always
proceed with caution. Please do not
take any unnecessary risks that could
leave you or your passenger stranded
or possibly injured.
The contents of this Operator’s Guide
provide riding information which has
been proven reliable by other users.
They are not intended as a definitive
means of avoiding accidents. How
you apply this information, coupled
with your mental and physical condi-
tion, the particular terrain hazard and
your risk acceptance level will have
an effect on your riding experience.
Have fun... and ride responsibly.
This Operator’s Guide has been pre-
pared to acquaint the owner/operator
of a new vehicle with the various ve-
hicle controls, maintenance and safe
operating instructions. They are indis-
pensable for the proper use of the
We would be pleased to receive any
comments on the content and format
of this Operator’s Guide, the SAFETY