BRP DS70 User Manual

Page 10

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An ATV is not a toy.
– Children differ in skills, physical

abilities and judgement. Some
children may not be able to op-
erate an ATV safely.

– Parents should supervise their

children when they use of the
vehicle at all times.

– Parents should permit contin-

ued use only if they determine
that the child has the ability to
operate the vehicle safely.

– No one under 16 years should

operate an ATV without adult
supervision at all times and nev-
er allow continued use of the
vehicle by a child if he does not
have the abilities, the strength
or the judgement to operate it

– BRP recommends that all ATV

riders take a training course. For
safety and training information,
contact an authorized Can-Am
dealer or call the Specialty Vehi-
cle Institute of America (SVIA) at
1 800 887-2887 or in Canada, the
Canada Safety Council (CSC) at
1 613 739-1535 ext. 227.

