Off-taste, odor or grey color in die ice, The ice dispenser will not operate properly, Ice bucket difficult to remove – Kenmore Coldspot 106 User Manual

Page 21: Hie water dispenser will not operate properly, Water or ice is lealdng from the dispenser

Off-taste, odor or grey color in die ice, The ice dispenser will not operate properly, Ice bucket difficult to remove | Hie water dispenser will not operate properly, Water or ice is lealdng from the dispenser | Kenmore Coldspot 106 User Manual | Page 21 / 76 Off-taste, odor or grey color in die ice, The ice dispenser will not operate properly, Ice bucket difficult to remove | Hie water dispenser will not operate properly, Water or ice is lealdng from the dispenser | Kenmore Coldspot 106 User Manual | Page 21 / 76