Pioneer PD-M550 User Manual

Page 18

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CONVENIENT OPERATION FOR RECORDING (Compu Program Editing/Time Fade ¡Editing/One-touch Fade)

Time f^de editing

Tracks are! selected within the specified time and playback pauses
with a fad^-out,

1 During stop mode, press TIME FADE EDIT.

2 Seledl the disc No. with the Disc number button.

Press Ior so that the desired piaying time

appeajrs on the dispiay and press TiME FADE EDIT.

Each tiifie

islpressed, the time will be changed in the following

sequenice: 23 -♦ 27 -*■ 30 37 -* 45 (minutes). With the time
will be bhanged in the reveres direction.

For PDj-MSSO only;
Insteaijl of the or ►M button, the TRACK NUMBER/Digit




can be used.

Press the 10's digit button and 1 's digit button sequentially. To
enter Slminuies dr less, press (Sand then the corresponding digit

The displayed time is memorized. The player now programs the
tracks within the selected playing time.


If Randpm playback, Track Search, Disc Search or Magazine Hi-

Lite Sdan is done during Time Fade Editing play. Time Fade
Editing ¡will be cleared.

If a tape playing time beyond the total piaying time is selected,

the player cancels the Time Fade Edit mode and enter stop
made after the specified disc is piayed.

e During Time Fade operation, programming for Program Playback/

Delete Program Playback cannot be carried out.

If the rtiagazine is in the piayer, the contents of the Time Fade

Editing lyvill not he erased even if the power is turned off.

One-toucih fade

Playback can be started from the desired point with a fade-in and
stopped atjthe desired point with a fade-out,
• The On^-touch Fade function can be carried out in Normal playback,

Prograrti playback/Delete Program playback. Random playback or
Magazine Hi-LitS' Scan mode.
Set the player to the desired playback mode, and then perform

the follqiwing procedure.

® During pause mode, press AUTO FADER. The FADER indicator

flashes and playback starts with a fade-in.

® During playback, press AUTO FADER. The FADER indicator

flashes and playback pauses with a fade-out.

For PD-IM455 and PD-M453, the FADER button on the remote

control unit can also be used.



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