Customer assistance – GE 681131689465 User Manual
Page 8
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Easv doughnuts
2 Clips floiir
1 teaspoon balling powder
2 pinches balling soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 Clip sugar
1/2 Clip Initteniiilk
1/2 teaspoon 'vanilla extract
1. Sie%e flour, baking soda and baking powder togetlier in a bowi.
2. In another bowl beat egg well. Add sugar and bent again. Then add
tanilla extract and beat again.
3. Mix this beaten mixture with die floitr.
4. Add the btittermilk, then make a dough.
5. Put diis aside for 10 minutes.
6. Then roll out into 1/2 inch diicklaver on a floured surface.
7. Cut it widi a doughn lit cutter.
8. Preheat the oil to SSO“"' F and deep flry until golden brown.
9. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the doughnuts.
Customer Assistance
If yoti hate a claim tuider diis warranty, please call our Customer Assistance
Number. For foster service please have model, series, and type numbers ready
for operator to assist you. These n umbers can be found on die bottom of your
Deep Frver.
MODEL:________________ TYPE:__________________ SERIES:_______________
Qis tamer Assistance Niunlier 1-877-207-0923
Keep diis muiiber for future reference!
Two-Year Limited Warranty
What does your warranty co\«rf
■ AnvciefecLin material or Vi'orkmanshlp.
For how long after the original piirchase?
Tvo yi^ars,
Wliat will we do?
■ ProTide VDU with a new unit.
What does joiir warranty not coveii
■ Glass parts, ghss contriners,
cutter/sti’ainer, blades and/or agitntors,
* Commercial use or anvother use not
lound in. printed direcdoix,
■ Damage from misuse, abuse, or neglect.
‘ Products purchased or serviced outside
the USA.
■ The exchange unit is warranted for the
remainder of your product's original
two-year warranty period,
How do yon make a warranty claim?
■ Properly puck, vaur unic "We recommend
using the original carton and packing
■ Include in the package a copy of the sales
receipt or other evidence of date of original
purchase, If the uiait was a gift, proride a
statement specifying the date receded.
Also print your name and address and a
description of the defect,
■ Return the product to your nearest
WAL^lA^JiT store or call Customer
Assistance at 1-877-207-0923,
IS a trademark of
General Electric Company
andis used underlicense by
WAL-MART Stores, Inc.
Bentomvilia, AR 72718
How does state law relate to this
■ This wan’antvgives you specific legal
rights, and you may also hate other
rights w^hich taryfrom snte to state,
■ WAL-MART expressly disclaims all
responsl-bility for consequenriai
damages or incidental losses caused
by use of this appliaiTce, Some states
do notallow this exclusion or limitation
of incidental
o f
consequential losses
so the foregoing disclaimer maynot
apply to vuiU,
Wliat if you purclinsed you product in
the U.S., Canada or Mexico and
encoiuiter a problem while using it
outside the country of purcliase?
■ The warraiityis talid only in the country
of purchase and if you follow the
warrantyclaim procedure as noted
WAL1YMART Stores, Inc.
Bentomvtila, AR 72718