2« if you n«ted assistance, If you have a problem, If yo*j need fsp – Whirlpool 27-inch Built-In Electric R8700PXS User Manual
Page 11: Replacement parts, If yo*j need fsp replacement parts
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If yott need service or assistance,
we suggest you follow these five steps:
I* Before calling for assistance... 3* If you need service*..
iHowed 1' to 2 irtches
QÍ the pans for an
Performance problems often result from little
things you can find and fix yourself without
tools of any kind
It nothing operates;
• Is the oven correctly wired to a live circuit
with the proper voitaae'i’ (See Installation
Instructions ]
• Have you chec 'ed your homes main fuses or
circuit breaker nex t
If the oven will nut operate:
• Is the Oven Sele ctor turned to a setting (BAKE
or BROIL, but no: TIMED BAKEJ'’
• Is the Oven Terrsoerature Control turned 1c a
temperature se"*ing''
If cooking resulfs aren’f whaf you expeefed:
• is
the oven leve
• Are you using p: jn.s 'ecornmended in 'he
Cooking Guide?
• if baking, have -ou :
(4-5 cm) on all ndes
• Does the oven' -ir;Derature seem too iow oi
too high? See page 5 Resetting the oven
temperature cc ntroi'
• Have you prehr ofeo the
cs the tocipe
calls for?
• Are the; pans th' sive caned tor in ttie recipe'i’
• Are you foilowii g a tested recipe from a
reliable source ’
See the Cooking Guide for inore information
on cooking problems and howto solve them
2« If you n«ted assistance*.
Call the Whiiipool COOL-LINE service
assistance telephone number. Dial free from
anywhere in the U.S.:
and talk with one of our trained Consultants. The
Consultant can instructyou in how to obtain sat
isfactory operation from your appliance or, if
service is necessr.rry recommended a qualified
service comipan. ir vour area.
Whirlpool has a nation
wide network of franchised
TECH-CARE' Service Com-
Donies. TECH-CARE service
technicians are trained to ful-
‘ili the product warranty and provide after-
warranfy-' service, anywhere In the United States.
To locate TECH-CARE service in your area, call
our CCCL-LINE service assistance telephone
number (see Step 2: or look in your telephone
directorv Yellow Paqes under
4. If you have a problem*..
Call cur CCCL-LINE service assistance tele
phone numPer (see Step 2) and talk with one of
our Consultants, or if you prefer, write to:
(yir, RoDert Stanley
Division Vice President
Whirlpool Corooration
2000 M-63
Benton HarPor Mi 49022
5. If yo*j need FSP
replacement parts*...
FSP' is a registered trademark of Whirlpool
Corporation for qualified parts. Look forthis sym
bol of quality whenever you need a replace
ment part for your Whirlpool appliance. FSP re
placement parts will fit right and work right, be
cause they are made to the same exacting
Whirlpool appliance.
To locte FSP replacement parts in your area,
refer to Step 3 or call the Whirlpool CCCL-LINE
service assistance number in Step 2.
nr you must call or write, please provide: model
number, serial number, date of purchase, and
o complete description of the problem. This in
formation IS needed In order to better respond
h j vour request 'or ::issistance.