CAMCORP Blower Package with M-D Pneumatics Blower User Manual
Page 17

Customers are cautioned to provide adequate protection, warning and safety equipment necessary to protect
personnel against hazards involved in the installation and operation of this equipment in the system or facility.
Do not use air blowers on explosive or hazardous gases. Each size blower has limits on pressure differential, running speed, and
discharge temperature, which
must not be exceeded. These limits are shown on the table "Maximum Operating Limits” on page
Install the blower in a clean, dry, and well lighted area if possible. Leave plenty of room around the blower for inspection and
We recommend a solid foundation be provided for permanent installation. It is necessary that a suitable base be used, such as a
steel combination base under blower and motor, or a separate sole plate under each.
Before tightening the bolts, check to see that both mounting feet are resting evenly on the foundation, shim as necessary to
eliminate stress on the base when the bolts are tightened.
Where a solid foundation is not feasible, care must be taken to insure that equipment is firmly anchored to adequate structural
When the blower is V-belt driven the sheaves must be positioned so that the hub face of the blower sheave is not more than
1/4" (6.5 mm) from the blower drive end plate and the driver sheave is as close to the driver bearing as possible. Care should be
taken when installing sheave onto shaft. The faces of the sheaves should be accurately in line to minimize belt wear.
Adjust the belt tension to the belt manufacturer’s specifications.
For installations where the blower is to be operated by direct drive, selection of the driver should be such as not to exceed the
maximum speed ratings of the blower. (See table "Maximum Operating Limits” on page 15.)
A flexible type coupling should be used to connect driver and blower shafts. The two shafts must be aligned within .005" (.13 mm)
T.I.R. (Total Indicated Runout) .002 (.07mm) T I R face run out on coupling.
Remove protective materials from the shaft.
Remove the protective covers from the inlet and outlet ports and inspect the interior for dirt and foreign material.
Keep hands, feet, foreign objects and loose clothes from inlet and outlet openings to avoid injury or damage
if lobes are to be rotated at this point.
Do not start up the blower until you are positive that it has been properly and fully lubricated. (See Lubrication Section on page 6.)
Inlet and outlet connections on all blowers are large enough to handle maximum volume with minimum friction loss. Maintain
same diameter piping. Silencers must not be supported by the blower. Stress loads and bending moments must be avoided.
Be certain all piping is clean internally before connecting to the blower. We recommend placing a 16-mesh wire screen backed
with hardware cloth at or near the inlet connections for the first 50 hours of use until the system is clean. Make provisions to clean
the screen after a few hours of operation and completely discard it once the system is clean, as it will eventually deteriorate and
small pieces going into the blower can cause serious damage. A horizontal or vertical air flow piping configuration is easily
achieved by rearranging the mounting feet position.
Do not operate equipment without adequate silencing devices since high noise level may cause hearing damage.
(Reference OSHA Standards.)
We recommend the use of relief valves to protect against excessive pressure or vacuum conditions. These valves should be
tested at initial start-up to be sure they are properly adjusted to relieve at or below the maximum pressure differential rating of the
Upon completion of the installation, and before applying power, rotate the drive shaft by hand. It must move freely.
If it does not, look for uneven mounting, piping strain, excessive belt tension or coupling misalignment or any other cause for
binding. If blower is removed and still does not rotate freely, check inside the blower housing for foreign material.