System installation – AvMap A2 ADAHRS User Manual
Page 7

- User and Installation Manual
User and Installation Manual -
List of available reference values
V-speed values
(control the white/green/yellow and red arcs in the airspeed indicator on Figure 1 on page 5)
Vne Never to Exceed speed
Vno Maximum cruise speed
Vso Stall speed with flaps & landing gear deployed
Maximum flaps extended speed
Vs1 Stall speed with flaps & landing gear retracted
3. System Installation
The AvMap EFIS installation is divided in the following steps:
1. EKP V Cockpit Docking station installation (for Cockpit Installation)
2. A2 ADAHRS module installation
3. A2 initial attitude calibration (depending on selected installation orientation)
4. Aircraft Profile Setup
5. Compass calibration and test flight
Note: The installation of the EKP V Cockpit Docking Station is covered in the relevant
Installation requirements for the A2 ADAHRS module.
The A2 can be installed in any location inside the aircraft. It is suggested to install the A2 aligned
with the aircraft longitudinal axis, as it simplifies the attitude calibration process. To connect the
pitot and static lines to the A2 ADAHRS module it is advisable to select a location where such
lines are easily accessible (e.g. behind the instrument panel).
The A2 contains a magnetometer and other precision electrical sensors.
The location selected for installation should be clear of strong magnetic or electromagnetic
disturbances as much as possible. Avoid installing the A2 near electronic equipment (other
digital EFIS, radios, transponders, etc), AC or variable DC cables, alternators, electrical motors,
ferrous materials, etc. In such cases the proper behavior of the compass is not guaranteed (i.e.
the compass may be crossed as “out of order” or may give erroneous indications).
Hint: use a hand-held compass to verify the magnetic disturbance in the area selected for
installation. If the needle shows relevant changes or unstable indication, the location is not suitable
for installation. Make sure to perform this test with all on-board electronic devices switched ON.
Figure 3