System overview – AvMap A2 ADAHRS User Manual
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- User and Installation Manual
User and Installation Manual -
1. System Overview
AvMap A2 ADAHRS extends the functionality of the EKP V Aeronautical Navigator and turns it
into AvMap EFIS (Electronic Flight Information System), a centralized display for both navigation
and primary flight information.
AvMap EFIS is composed by:
EKP V Aeronautical Navigator, that acts as an integrated cockpit display and central
processing unit
EKP V Cockpit Docking Station, that allows the EKP V to be installed into the cockpit and
provides connectivity to external modules
AvMap A2 ADAHRS, a compact fixed-install unit providing attitude, heading, altitude and
airspeed data to the system (Air Data, Attitude and Heading Reference System)
The core of the EFIS is AvMap A2 module. The module contains solid-state gyros, accelerometers,
magnetic field sensors and air data sensors. The module is designed for fixed installation inside
the aircraft and should be connected to the aircraft pitot-static system, in order to take full
advantage of its functionality.
It is suggested to install the A2 aligned with the aircraft longitudinal axis, as it simplifies the attitude
calibration process. The A2 can be installed in any orientation, whereafter a proper calibration
needs to be performed (see Chapter 3. System Installation).
The A2 connects to the docking station via USB and provides the user with:
• Attitude (roll, pitch and heading angle)
• Airspeed
• Altitude
• Wind Estimation
• Side slip indication
• Vertical Speed
These information are collected and displayed to the pilot on the EKP V screen, when Primary
Flight Display mode (PFD Mode) is selected. (See Chapter 2. System Operation for more details
on the EFIS user interface).
Note: Although this user guide assumes the use of a Docking Station, it is also possible to connect
the A2 module to the USB port of the EKP V cigarette-lighter cable.