Basic per trigger adjustment – ALM ALM001 User Manual

Page 6

background image

through each of the output jacks as indicated by there relevant green LED's. The timing

of each trigger pulse is a factor of the set BPM tempo. 

Clicking the 'Start / Stop' button again stops and resets the clock

Basic Per Trigger Adjustment

The timing of each trigger can be adjusted to varying factors of the set tempo.

These factors or ‘modifiers’ can be either divisors or multiples of the main clock tempo.

Also they can be set to permanently on or off (i.e a gate). 

To adjust a trigger, from the BPM display, first enter selection mode by pushing and

clicking the program knob. Four flashing dots appear on the bottom of the LED display

indicating selection mode is entered. Twisting the program know will now cycle through

each of the eight numbered trigger  'screens' before before returning back to the main

BPM screen. Clicking the program knob again will exit selection mode (dots will

disappear) and allow editing of a selected trigger or editing of the BPM value.

Each trigger screen is represented by the trigger number together with the current

set modifier value. The trigger number corresponds to its numbered output jack. The

modifier value is either a multiplier, a divider or a special value (on, off, pulse)

correlated to the BPM value.

A multiplier outputs a multiple of the main tempo - i.e a value of ‘2’ would output 2

trigger pulses for every beat, a value of 4, 4 triggers per beat etc. For a divisor, a division

of the main tempo is used, for example /2 would be 1 trigger every 2 beats, /4, 1 trigger

every 4 beats.





Selection mode

Select Trigger

Edit Trigger

Flashing dots indicate

selection mode





ALM-001 - ‘Pamela’s Workout’