Appendix 1: updates – ALM ALM001 User Manual

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Appendix 1: Updates

Pamela’s firmware can be updated by playing a specially encoded audio file into the

clock input. The audio file needs to be played uncolored and untreated at high volume

(approx 6v peak to peak). Computer playback via a firewire or usb audio interface

headphone out at near max volume is best recommended. Beware of amplification

coloring the signal and causing problems - particularly through mixing desks.

When playing the audio file into Pamela it is critical that the file has not been re-

encoded (i.e is a .wav not an .mp3), is not being treated by any audio effects and that

nothing is played over the top - watch out for any IM or new mail announcement

sounds if playing via computer. Be aware of playback software that fades in or fades

out an audio file during playback.

You update the firmware at your own risk. An incomplete update can leave Pamela

in a ‘limbo’ state, un-useable until a full update is completed. If you are unsure

contact your point of purchase, they may be able to provide the update for you.

Follow these steps to perform an update;


Unzip firmware zip file. You should now have a .wav file.


Power down modular.


Push and hold Pamela's Program knob.


With Program knob held down, Power on modular 


Pamela's display should show a flashing 'UPDT'


Keep Program knob held for approx 5 seconds until Pamela shows a small
'pulse'  symbol on display.


Connect audio output to Pamela’s clock input.


Playback wav file over audio output at high volume


If volume is high enough the pulse will rapidly animate. Pamela is now

10. Playback the full wav file un interrupted into Pamela.

ALM-001 - ‘Pamela’s Workout’