Advanced settings, Save banks, Free run mode – ALM ALM001 User Manual
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Advanced Settings
A number of advanced and special case settings are available under the BPM sub
menu. These features are available in a firmware version 0101 and later - if they are
not available on your device refer to appendix 1 for update procedure.
Save Banks
Pamela will automatically save trigger settings when the clock is not running.
Saves are made to any one of five currently selected ‘save banks’ which are selectable
through the save bank screen.
To switch save banks, access the 'Save Bank' screen by pressing and holding the
program knob on the BPM screen. Then cycle through screens until 'bn' is shown on
the display with the currently selected save bank number. Once selected the save bank
can be changed. Trigger settings in this selected bank will be loaded and any
subsequent saved back to the selected bank.
There is also a special bank labeled 'r' which when selected will set all triggers in
the current save bank to a default state (120BPM, no extended trigger settings).
NOTE: This will not reset the tempo input assignments (see below).
Free Run Mode
In ‘Free Run Mode’ Pamela can be started by and follow an external clock which
provides only a clock pulse, no start/stop signal (i.e the run input is not used). The
presence the the clock signal will start and stop the clock (with some limitations).
To enable, access the 'Free Running' screen via a long program knob hold on the
BPM screen. Cycle through screens until 'fr' is shown, then select. A '1' indicates the
free running mode is enabled, a ‘0’ disabled.
ALM-001 - ‘Pamela’s Workout’