Kofax Front-Office Server 2.7 User Manual

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Kofax Front-Office Server Configuration Guide for Documentum 5.3

Kofax, Inc.



In the Navigation panel on the left side of the Documentum Administrator, select

repository | Administration | Types where repository is the name of the repository you are

using for Kofax Documentation Exchange Server. The list of document types appears.


From the Documentum Administrator menu bar, select File | New | Type. The Properties

screen for a new type appears.


Complete the following fields on the Info tab:


Type Name: Enter the name of the document type in all lowercase. This name will

appear in Kofax Front-Office Server Web Client.


Super Type Name: Select “dm_document.” Do not select NULL.


Default Storage: Select any data store or leave set to NULL.


Default Group: Click Select Default Group. From the “Choose a group” screen that

appears, select the group or role you defined for your users and click OK. The group is

listed to the right of “Default Group.”


Default Permission Set: Leave unchanged.


Click Next. The Attribute tab appears where you select the index fields to be used for the



Add an index field as follows. Repeat this procedure for each index field you want to add.

Click Add. The New Attribute screen appears.


Type the name in the Attribute Name field. The attribute name should be in all

lowercase, and it should not include a system-defined prefix (such as a_, i_, and r_)

and spaces.


Select the type. If you select String, also type the maximum number of characters in the

Size field.


Leave Repeated unselected. This option is not used by index fields.


Click OK. The Attribute tab appears again. You can search for the attribute you added

or select Non Inherited Attributes from the field on the right.


When you have selected the index fields you want to use, click Finish. The types list

appears again, and you can search for the document type you created.

X To create a cabinet


If you are not still in Documentum Administrator, log on to the repository for Kofax

Front-Office Server documents.


In the Navigation panel on the left side of the Documentum Administrator, select

repository | Cabinets. The list of cabinets appears.


From the Documentum Administrator menu bar, select File | New | Cabinet. The New

Cabinet screen appears.


On the Create tab, type the cabinet name in all lowercase in the Name field. The name

must match the name of the document type. Leave the Type field set to “Cabinet

(dm_cabinet).” Click Next.


On the Info tab that appears, you can enter any information you choose, except the Name

field must not be changed. When you are finished, click Next. The Permissions tab



Locate the “Permissions for Users and Groups” box. Click Add. The “Choose a user/

group” screen appears. Complete the screen as follows:


Select the group or role you created for Kofax Front-Office Server users. Click the

button to move the group or role to the box on the right (Figure 1).