JMC Starting the 13-14 School Year Checklist User Manual
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where the outgoing teacher’s name was. This puts the new teacher’s name in the
Course Data for easier scheduling.
Assign advisors en masse for students in Attendance: Staff: Assign Advisees or
assign them individually on the Edit Student Data screen.
Assign locker numbers and combinations in Data: Edit Student Data. Locker
numbers can be cleared out for students en masse in Edit: Mass Change Fields.
Import and review previous year’s custom fields and add any new definitions for
the current year in File: Define Custom Fields. Place a checkmark under the “Use
for current year” column for those custom fields you wish to use for this year.
Create Student Information Forms in Attendance: Student: Design Student
Information Forms. These forms can be printed so parents can review student
demographic information and parent contact information (For more information,
view the instructional video “Student Information Forms.”)
If Lifetouch, Herff Jones, or Jostens are used for school pictures create the
information file for those businesses in File (For Macintosh users JMC 13-14):
Preferences: Photographs.
Change the graduation date for an entire graduating grade level in Edit: Mass
Change Fields.
If student activities and student rosters are used in JMC, activities must be made
active for the new school year. Go to Attendance: Activities: Edit Activity
Definitions and place a checkmark under the “Active” column for those activities
in which students will be participating for the current year.
Online Modules
View the instructional video “Online Parent Access/Intro to Online Modules” to
see how all of the Online Modules function and interact with each other.
Review Online Access settings in File: Online Settings. This screen allows you to
determine how different Online Modules are used.
Online Parent Access
If Online Lesson Plans are utilized by teachers, your technology professional will
need to copy all of the 12-13 teacher folders into the 13-14 Data Folder. This
allows teachers to import last year’s progress reports into the current year. This
step is typically done by a technology professional.
Update all contacts submitted over the summer in Attendance: Contacts: Merge
Contact Submissions. This also must be done periodically throughout the school
Online Student Access
Assign usernames and passwords for all new students in Edit: Edit Student Data:
General (Tab).
Review Student Access settings in File: Online Settings: Student Access (Tab).