Inovonics EN1240 User Manual

En1240 echostream® activity sensor, 2 installation and startup

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© Inovonics, 2009 -, 8/17/10, P/N 7102855 Rev. A

EN1240 EchoStream® Activity Sensor

Installation Instructions - 05638A

1 Overview

The EN1240 activity sensor is designed specifically for residential and senior living environments
where a notification of a daily activity is necessary. The EN1240 leverages the latest motion detector
technology, including white light and pet immunity, to ensure performance accuracy. Selectable fixed
sleep intervals of two, four, or six hours are used to minimize wireless traffic in large installations,
while confirming daily resident activity. Check-in messages are sent every 30 minutes to provide
effective notification of recent resident activity even when the device is in the fixed sleep cycle.

Caution: The EN1240 needs one minute for stabilization after power up. During the stabilization
period, the LED will blink twice per second, and the EN1240 will not be operational.

Caution: Prior to operation, the EN1240 must be acclimated to the temperature of the install
environment for a period of 60 minutes.

Caution: The EN1240 activity sensor is not designed for use as a security system motion detector.

1.1 Inovonics Wireless Contact Information

If you have any problems with this procedure, contact Inovonics Wireless technical services:

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (800) 782-2709; (303) 939-9336

1.2 EN1240 Components

Figure 1 EN1240 components

2 Installation and Startup

2.1 Install/Replace Battery

To install the battery:

Release the housing screw and gently raise the cover.

Figure 2 Open the cover

Install the battery in the holder.


Press the Reset button to initialize the transmitter.

Note: You must press the Reset button each time the battery is changed.

2.2 Select the Frequency Band

EchoStream products are able to use a range of radio frequencies, and must be configured for your
geographic area. To configure the transmitter:

Place a selection jumper on the appropriate frequency band selection pins.

Place the jumper on the left two pins, marked AU, to set the frequency range to 915-928 MHz
for Australia.

Place the jumper on the right two pins, marked NZ, to set the frequency range to 921-928
MHz for New Zealand.

Leave the jumper off the pins to set the frequency range to 902-928 MHz for North America.

Note: Selection jumpers are included in the hardware bag.


Press the Reset button to initialize the transmitter.

Caution: When pressing the Reset button, make sure you don’t also touch the frequency band
selection pins. Touching the frequency band selection pins while pressing the Reset button can
inadvertently set the wrong frequency band.

2.3 Select Automatic/Pulse Count

The pulse count jumper setting provides control for normal or difficult operating environments.
Automatic pulse count is recommended for reliable operation in environments subject to temperature
fluctuations that may cause false alarms. The single pulse count mode is more sensitive to minor
temperature variations, and should be used in sites where variant heat sources will not cause false

Place a selection jumper on the appropriate pulse count selection pins.

Place the jumper on the left two pins, marked AUTO, to select automatic pulse count.

Place the jumper on the right two pins, marked 1 PULSE, to select single pulse count.

2.4 Select Fixed/Variable Sleep Time

The EN1240 activity sensor is shipped from the factory set for a fixed sleep time. The fixed/variable
sleep time setting should not be changed without specific instruction from Inovonics technical

2.5 Select Sleep Duration

The EN1240 activity sensor is shipped from the factory set for a minimum sleep duration. The sleep
duration setting should not be changed without specific instruction from Inovonics technical services.

2.6 Select Fixed Sleep Time

Alarm and Check-In Messages

The EN1240 sends two types of message: alarm and check-in. Alarm messages are sent when the
EN1240 first detects motion. Immediately upon sending an alarm message, the EN1240 enters the
selected sleep cycle, during which no more alarm messages are sent. Check-in messages are sent
by the EN1240 every 30 minutes, even during the sleep cycle, to ensure the EN1240 is still
functional. Check-in messages also include the alarm status as part of the check-in information.

Using Sleep Cycles

Typically, activity monitoring in senior living environments is performed using a daily time window to
confirm resident activity. The EN1240 sleep interval can be set to two, four, or six hours. If you
require multiple alarms during your daily time window you should select a sleep time shorter than
your daily time window.

Setting Sleep Cycle Duration

To set sleep cycle duration:

Place a selection jumper on the appropriate sleep cycle duration selection pins.

Place the jumper on the left two pins, marked 2H, to set the sleep cycle duration to two hours.

Place the jumper on the middle two pins, marked 4H, to set the sleep cycle duration to four

Place the jumper on the right two pins, marked 6H, to set the sleep cycle duration to six

Note: Selection jumpers are included in the hardware bag.

2.7 Select Pet Immunity

Pet immunity allows the EN1240 to ignore the movement of small animals.

Place a selection jumper on the appropriate pet immunity selection pins.

Place the jumper on the left two pins, marked 55lb/25kg to select pet immunity for animals up
to 55 pounds (25 kilograms) in weight.

Place the jumper on the right two pins, marked 33lb/15kg to select pet immunity for animals
up to 33 pounds (15 kilograms).

Note: If neither option is selected, the EN1240 will default to the 55lb/25kg selection.

2.8 Adjust sensitivity

The sensitivity of the activity sensor can be adjusted to fit your specific application. To adjust

Use a philip’s head screwdriver to turn the sensitivity adjustment dial.

Turn the dial to the left, towards the minus sign, to decrease the activity sensor’s sensitivity.

Turn the dial to the right, towards the plus sign, to increase the activity sensor’s sensitivity.

2.9 Register the Transmitter

The EN1240 must be registered with the system receiver in order to be monitored and supervised.
Each EN1240 has a unique factory-programmed identification number.

Note: The transmitter’s unique identification number is the eight digit serial number found on the
serial number label.

Refer to the receiver installation instructions for details on registering a transmitter.

When prompted, press the Reset button.


Replace the EN1240 cover.


Replace the housing screw.

Caution: The EN1240 should be tested after registration to ensure operation. To test the EN1240,
activate each of the conditions and ensure an appropriate response.

Note: The EN1240 retains programming data in non-volatile memory. It does not require re-
programming after loss of power.

2.10 Mount the Transmitter

Mount the transmitter.

Remove the EN1240 printed circuit board from the housing.


Use the included hardware to mount the EN1240 housing back plate to the mounting surface.

A Frequency band selection pins

B Reset button

C Pulse count selection pins

D Pet immunity selection pins

E Test mode reed switch

F Sleep duration selection pins

G Sensitivity adjustment dial

H Battery


Case tamper switch

J Sleep duration selection pins

K Sleep time selection pins











