Freerider FR168-3A2/Companion User Manual
Page 15

If you must steer in a tight spot, such as entering a doorway
or when turning around, stop, turn the handlebars to where
you want to go, then apply the power gently. This will make
the Companion turn sharply. It will still go gently, and with
complete stability. Practice in an open area, until you are
Reversing requires attention. Be sure your ‘Speed Adjustment
Dial’ is turned to minimum before you reverse (Fig 8, page8).
Push the left thumb reverse control lever (Fig 9, page 9).
Remember, when you reverse you have to steer in the
opposite direction to the way you want to go. Practice is
required here, again use that open space. Please note as a
safety requirement reverse speed is half of forward speed.
Note: If your Companion is set up for left forward driving
the afore mentioned description is reversed.
REMEMBER: If it is a tight turn, turn your steering column
before applying power. Steer wide of all corners and
obstacles, please move slowly and with care.
Do not turn your ‘on-off’ power key switch to
the ‘off’ position when your Companion is in motion,
failure to observe this warning may irreparably damage the
main electronic speed control unit or drive transmission.
Always first slow your Companion down to a stationery
position before you switch your Scooter off.
When you start using your Companion you will meet some
obstacles that will require some practice to drive through
Here are some common problems, with tips that will help
you master them quickly. You will soon be in control through
doors and up and down ramps with surprising ease by
following these tips.
Approach an unfamiliar door slowly, sizing it up. Does it have
a knob or push bar? Does it open toward you or away? Think
in terms of using the power of the Companion to do the
work for you! You need not strain.
Hold the doorknob or bar in one hand and apply power with
the other hand. (Remember that you can drive forwards by
using your left thumb to move the wig-wag lever towards
you.) If the door is self closing, you can go through, allowing
the door to close behind you, if you go quickly enough. If
not, just stop when you’re clear of the door and push it
If the door opens toward you, hold the knob or bar with one
hand and gently let the reverse power do the work. When the
door is open wide enough, go ahead quickly, leaving the hand
on the door to keep it free of the Scooter and letting go as
you pass the doorjamb. It is an easy technique. Practice makes
perfect. Remember - your Companion can do the work
without wearing you out!
Going through doors, with the back wheels: If you’re not
moving, your rear wheel is probably caught. Reverse and try
again. Take your time - relax - enjoy yourself.
More and more buildings have ramps for wheelchair access.
Some have a change of direction in the middle, and good
cornering is required.
Make a wide manoeuvre with your front wheel around tight
corners, so that your back wheels follow a wide arc to stay
clear of the corner.
If you stop while facing uphill, the automatic parking brake
will hold you safe. To start again, slowly push the forward
direction lever, the parking brake will release and you will
start to move.
When you approach an incline, it is best to lean forward,
(Fig 13). This moves the centre of gravity of your Companion
towards the front of the Scooter for improved stability.
When going down an incline, keep your speed slow. This will
keep you in a safely controlled descent. It is best to lean
backwards, this moves the centre of gravity of your
Companion towards the rear of the scooter for improved
stability. If you wish to stop completely, release the control
lever, and you will come to a gentle stop, avoid sudden stop
Do not exceed the incline guidelines or any other
specifications presented in this manual.
Stationery obstacles (steps, kerbs etc) must be avoided where
possible. Your Companion has small wheels and a ground
clearance of 4.0cm. Proceed with extreme caution when
driving near raised surfaces, unprotected ledges and/or drop-
offs such as kerbs, porches, stairs etc.
FIG 13
FIG 12
FIGURE 12 : Normal driving position
FIGURE 13 : Increased stability driving position