How to play – Eowave Ribbon User Manual
Page 5

How to play
The Ribbon
The Ribbon is sensitive to the position and to the pressure.
Gently press the Ribbon. The sound that you hear is generated by the
oscilllator from the Ribbon. The volume is controlled by the pressure
applied onto the Ribbon.Note that in the controller mode, it is
possible to change the pressure destination with the editor.
About the serigraphy
You can use the Ribbon serigraphy to play.
As Ribbon’s tolerance slightly differs from one another, it is not
possible to print an accurate serigraphy with notes. However, we
chose to add this serigraphy as a visual chromatic scale of the Ribbon.
The serigraphy indicates the 4 octaves and the middle point.
The tactile pad on the right or on the left?
Ribbon can be played with the tactile pad on the right or on the left. It
is possible to invert the linearity of the Ribbon with the editor.
Can I change the Ribbon’s scale?
Yes, depending on how it is used (stand-alone or controller), the
Ribbon has different scales settings in the editor.
The tactile pad
The tactile pad controls a frequency modulation effect. When pressing
the tactile pad, the FM modulation amount increases. The pad is
pressure sensitive. It means that the more you press onto it, the more
the FM modulation increases.
The tactile pad and resistive technology
The tactile pad uses a resistive technology that uses the natural
resistance of your body. Note that if you play with bare feet, the result
may differ than when your body is isolated from the ground.
Note that a bad isolation from the ground may be the cause of
erratic sending of information or uncontrolled values.
Note that in the controller mode, it is possible to change the pad
destination with the editor.
Tactile pad
Octave 1
Octave 2
Octave 3
Octave 4