Trou ble shooting – Cub Cadet ogst3305 User Manual
Page 16

En gine fails to start
1. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel.
2. Blocked fuel line.
3. Choke not in the FULL po si tion.
4. Faulty spark plug.
5. Safety key not in ig ni tion switch
on en gine.
6. Spark plug wire dis con nected.
7. Primer but ton not be ing used
prop erly.
8. Fuel shut-off valve closed.
1. Fill tank with clean, fresh gas o line.
Fuel be comes stale af ter thirty days.
2. Clean the fuel line.
3. Move switch to the FULL po si tion.
4. Clean, ad just gap or re place.
5. In sert the key fully into the switch.
6. Con nect spark plug wire.
7. Re fer to the en gine man ual.
8. Open fuel shut-off valve.
En gine runs er ratic
1. Unit run ning on CHOKE.
2. Blocked fuel line or stale fuel.
3. Wa ter or dirt in the fuel sys tem.
1. Move the choke le ver to OFF po si -
2. Clean the fuel line; fill the tank with
clean, fresh gas o line.
3. Drain the fuel tank and car bu re tor.
Re fill with fresh fuel.
Loss of power
1. Spark plug wire loose.
2. Gas cap vent hole plugged.
1. Con nect and tighten spark plug wire.
2. Re move ice and snow from gas cap.
Be cer tain vent hole is clear.
Ex ces sive vi bra tion
1. Loose parts or dam aged au ger. 1. Stop the en gine im me di ately and dis -
con nect the spark plug wire. Tighten
all bolts and nuts. If vi bra tion con tin -
ues, have the unit ser viced by an
au tho rized ser vice dealer.
Unit fails to drive prop erly 1. Drive con trol ca ble in need of
ad just ment.
2. Drive belt loose or dam aged.
1. Ad just drive con trol ca ble. Re fer to
Ad just ment Sec tion of this man ual.
2. Re place drive belt. Re fer to Belt Re -
moval and Re place ment.
Unit fails to
dis charge snow
1. Dis charge chute clogged.
2. Shear bolt sheared.
3. For eign ob ject lodged in au ger.
4. Au ger con trol ca ble in need of
ad just ment.
5. Au ger belt loose or dam aged.
1. Stop en gine and dis con nect spark
plug wire. Clean dis charge chute and
in side of au ger hous ing with tool pro -
2. Re place shear bolt.
3. Stop en gine im me di ately and dis con -
nect spark plug wire. Re move ob ject
from au ger.
4. Ad just au ger con trol ca ble. Re fer to
Ad just ment sec tion of this man ual.
5. Re fer to Belt Re moval and Re place -
Heated grips are not
cre at ing heat
1. Unit is not run ning.
2. Loosen elec tri cal con nec tions.
3. Blown Fuse.
4. Faulty grip. If one heated grip
fails, both grips will not func tion.
1. Start the unit
2. Un der the han dle panel, check con -
nec tions from the han dles to the
wir ing har ness.
3. Re place 5A fuse un der the han dle
panel near crank switch con nec tor.
4. Have the grips checked at an au tho -
rized ser vice dealer.