Tools – Cub Cadet CC 500 EL User Manual
Page 11

Digital volt ohm meter
Wiring or a schematic diagram.
Equipment that may be useful:
Fused jumper wires.
Hand tools to gain access to components.
Flash light.
CAUTION: A test light can not be used on this
mower. The system voltage is 120 volts. It will
destroy the test light and may result in injury to
the technician.
Digital volt ohm meter
Digital volt ohm meters or DVOMs are the most useful
tool to trouble shoot any electrical system. Depending
on the model of DVOM used, DVOMs can measure
Volts, Amps, Ohms and more. DVOMs are a must
when working on circuits with solid state components
(microchips). They have very high impedance, that
means they have very high resistance and pull very lit-
tle current from the circuit. Use of analog equipment or
test lights will pull enough current to damage the micro-
chips in the circuit. See Figure 2.8.
When measuring volts, always hook the meter in par-
allel with the circuit. That means do not disconnect the
component where measuring voltage.
When measuring current the meter must be connected
in series with the component to be measured. That
means opening the circuit and having the circuit go
through the meter.
Figure 2.8
NOTE: The only exception to this is when using
an inductive amp clamp.
When measuring resistance, the component must be
isolated from the circuit.
CAUTION: The meter has it’s own power source
to measure resistance. Connecting the meter to
a component that has current going through it
will damage the meter (usually beyond repair).
Inductive amp meter
An inductive amp meter, sometimes referred to as an
“amp clamp” or clamp meter, measures current follow-
ing through a wire by the magnetic field created around
the wire. Clamp meters are very important when deal-
ing with currents over 10 amps. A DVOM typically can
not measure current over 10 amps. Clamp meters are
also helpful because they can read current in a circuit
without opening it up to hook the meter into the circuit.
See Figure 2.9.
Wiring or a schematic diagram
A wiring or a schematic diagram is very important in
troubleshooting a circuit. The diagram shows how the
circuit was designed and what paths the electricity is
suppose to flow.
Fused jumper wires
Fused jumper wires are handy to help find bad grounds
or to jump across switches for testing purposes.
CAUTION: Only use fused jumper wires. If there
is a short in the circuit, using an unfused jump
could damage components in the circuit further.
Figure 2.9