Compex FIT User Manual

Page 167

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Heavy legs

This program is intended to eliminate the sensation of heaviness and discomfort in
the legs which is felt in particular circumstances (standing for prolonged periods,
excessively high ambient temperature, hormonal imbalance related to the menstrual
cycle, etc.). It quickly induces a feeling of lightness and suppleness.
You want to prevent the feeling of heaviness and discomfort in your legs
The feeling of heaviness in the legs is due to a temporary deficiency in the venous
return. The insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues, particularly to the muscles, that
results from this situation, leads to this uncomfortable sensation in the legs. Use the
Heavy legs program to accelerate the venous return and obtain a significant relaxing
effect on painful muscles.

Usage: to be used whenever an occasional feeling of heaviness in the legs occurs.
Electrode position: 16
Stimulation energy: increase the stimulation energy gradually until you obtain clearly
visible muscular twitches.

Lymphatic drainage

The deep massage produced by this program boosts the circulation of blood and fluids
through the tissues. It thus enables the elimination of excess water and acummulated
toxins, as well as regeneration and cleansing of the skin tissue.
Treatment of occasional swelling of the feet and ankles
In unusual circumstances, impaired circulation of the venous blood often leads to
an accumulation of blood and lymph in the lower limbs. This phenomenon, which
manifests as swelling of the ankles and feet, causes a disagreeable sensation of
heaviness and tension in the affected areas. The deep massage produced by the
Lymphatic drainage program is effective in boosting the return lymphatic circulation
and thus promoting the resolution of these problems.

Usage: for 8 weeks, 3 sessions/week. Use this programe when there is occasional
swelling of the feet and ankles.
Electrode position: 20
Stimulation energy: increase the stimulation energy progressively until very
pronounced muscle twitches occur during the active rest phase and powerful tetanic
contractions during the contraction phase.