Vii wellness programs – Compex FIT User Manual

Page 164

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Relaxing massage

This program is indicated for reducing unpleasant muscle tension and creating a
relaxing sensation of well-being, in particular after a tiring day. It induces a state of
optimal, very pleasant relaxation.
You want to get rid off uncomfortable muscle tension in the nape of the neck
Remaining seated for long periods, associated with repetitive arm movements (as is
frequently the case in front of a computer screen), can provoke increased tension in the
muscles in the nape of the neck. Any other condition of stress can also lead to a state
of excessive muscle tension, which is often responsible for painful or uncomfortable
sensations. The in-depth effects produced by the Relaxing massage program ease
such painful sensations, with a particularly relaxing effect.

Usage: to be used on the muscles in the nape of the neck, whenever an occasional
sensation of painful muscular tension is felt; to be repeated, if necessary, in cases of
particularly severe muscle tension.
Electrode position: 14
Stimulation energy: increase the stimulation energy gradually until you obtain clearly
visible muscular twitches.

Anti-stress massage

This program enables a return to a feeling of well-being after stressful situations. It
promotes the reduction of stress-related muscle tension.
Returning to a state of well-being after stressful situations
The many stresses of daily life and the worries that may accompany them cause a
certain degree of mental tension to which everyone reacts differently. This hyperactivity
of the brain and the emotions also has repercussions for our bodies, which may
respond in many unwanted ways.
Undoubtedly, the most frequent problem is a sensation of discomfort associated with
persistent muscular tension. This is sometimes intensified by physical constraints,
such as the need to remain for a prolonged periods in positions unsuited to the well-
being of our body. For a person under stress, it is difficult to relax. The muscles are
always too tense, producing uncomfortable and even painful sensations. In this kind
of situation, the Anti-stress massage program can reduce muscle tension by means
of low-frequency stimulation, thus producing a sensation of perfect calm. Applied
to the affected region, at the rate of two sessions a day, this program eliminates the
unpleasant sensations produced by a stressful situation and produces a relaxing effect
leading to a return to a state of well-being.