ChemoMetec NC-200 User Manual
Page 37

991-0204 Rev. 1.1
September 2012
Show Info
Copy to Clipboard
BMP to Clipboard: Copies the large plot to the clipboard to paste the bitmap image into a preferred
Cancel: Closes the large plot without saving the changes.
OK: Closes the large plot and saves the changes.
Right Click Options: Right click inside the plot area when a gate is selected to get a context menu offering
the following options:
Show Gate Counts
Add Cells Inside Gate to Image Overlay
Add Cells Outside Gate to Image Overlay
Show Info About Selected Gate
Depending on the actual state of the large scatter plot, some of the above options may be dimmed
or be replaced with an alternative option, e.g. Show gate counts can toggle with Show gate counts in
Add Cells Inside Gate to Image Overlay: Selecting this option will add cells inside the selected gate to
the image overlay, causing these cells to be marked with a non-filled enclosing square.
Add Cells Outside Gate to Image Overlay: Same as the inside-option (see above), but for cells outside
selected gate.
Note: Adding cells to the image overlay list is cumulative. Hence if you use this to select cells both inside
and outside the gate you may assume that all cells in the image should be marked with an enclosing square.
This however, is not always the case. If certain cells have been excluded from the cell population, e.g. all
non-single cells, then these are not part of the scatter plot, and hence will not be included in the selected
cells list.
Editing a Polygon: First select the polygon you want to edit (by clicking close to one of the sides). Then
select it again to get into ‘polygon editing mode’. In this mode it is possible to remove points or add new
points and to drag points to new positions. Further details are described in the light gray area surrounding
the plot.
Editing a Quadrant: First select the quadrant you want to edit (by clicking close to one of the lines). Then
select it again to get into ‘quadrant editing mode’. In this mode it is possible to drag points to new
positions. Further details are described in the light gray area surrounding the plot.