Plot manager – ChemoMetec NC-200 User Manual
Page 29

991-0204 Rev. 1.1
September 2012
Plot Manager
The Plot Manager is used for evaluating and the post processing of cell populations found in one or more
image files.
Post processing results are displayed in thumbnail sized scatter plots and histograms arranged in rows and
columns, where each row comprises results for one particular image file.
The Plot Manager is specifically suited for batch processing of several image files as it can replicate
processing from one 'Master' row to all selected rows.
Master Row: Enter the number of the row that is to be used as the Master row. You may skip this step if
you do not want to replicate processing between rows.
Apply: This button replicates all processing from the Master row to all selected rows.
Mouse info field: The area to the right of the ‘Apply’ button displays information on what is pointed to with
the mouse.
button launches a Statistics window which lists detailed gating statistics for all visible polygons and
button launches the File Browser to add Plot Manager files (*.cmpm) or post processing files (*.cmpp) to
the Plot Manager. Each added image will be appended as one new row.
Exceptions to this is when adding a *.cmpp file from the Master files directory or when a *.cmpm file holds
a master row. In these cases the file will be added to row number zero (i.e. as upper most row). In case row
zero already holds an image, the file will be appended.
Note, it is also possible to load image files (*.cm) and processed plot manger files (*.cmpp) into the Plot
Manager by dragging them from either the Browse tab in the main window or from the image browser.
There are two save to disc buttons in the Plot Manager. The save button at the top of the window is
always present (beside the button) and saves the current Plot Manager contents to a *.cmpm file placed
in a PM Files folder. The file name is user defined via the edit field to the right of the save button. The
second type of save button exists for each row and is placed in the left part of the row. This button saves
the post processing data and graphs associated with the individual sample.