3function – BUCHI Cartridge C-670 User Manual
Page 8

BÜCHI Cartridger
3 Function
The function of the Cartridger is the packing of Büchi Cartridges
C-675 with separation materials for liquid chromatography.
Principle of the packing process
The packing process consists of two phases. In the first phase,
the stationary phase is fluidized by the flowing through of gas
or compressed air. Silica gel, for example, is thereby homo-
genized, and the friction of the particles against one another
is considerably reduced.
In the second phase the cartridge is packed using vacuum
and sealed with two frits.
Area of usage
The Cartridger is suitable for the dry packing of all Büchi
Cartridges C-675. The stationary phases to be packed must
be dry and have an identical particle size. Clumped starting
material is not suitable.
The permitted grain sizes for packing are between 30 and
200 µm. Smaller particles can not be packed dry. Larger partic-
les are almost never used in chromatography. Silica gel with a
grain size of 40-63 µm is most often used in preparative
chromatography and is the most suitable.