Rnd rst, Voice controls, Common parameters – Audio Damage Tattoo User Manual

Page 16: Tune, Noise level

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(short for “randomize on reset”) switch, when turned on, causes the sequence steps to be set

to random values every time Tattoo reaches the beginning of the pattern.


creates the same result

as if you clicked the


Autofill button exactly at the beginning of each measure as Tattoo plays.

Voice Controls

All of Tattoo’s sounds are synthesized in real time, not derived from samples. This means that you can tailor
the drum sounds to fit your tastes and needs, using the voice parameters found near the top of Tattoo’s

The voice parameters are stored globally; that is, they are the same for each of the patterns in Tattoo’s
sequencer. (The voice parameters determine the sound of your drum kit; the patterns determine what you
play on that kit.) However, you can use the parameter mod sequencers to change Tattoo’s drum sounds in
subtle or not-so-subtle ways in each pattern.

Common Parameters

There are some parameters and controls which all (or nearly all) of Tattoo’s percussion synthesizers have in
common. We’ll describe them in general first, and then describe each of the controls for each of Tattoo’s


Most of Tattoo’s voices have a


knob. This knob controls the frequency, or perceived pitch, of the

percussion sound. Turn the knob clockwise and the sound goes up in pitch, turn it anti-clockwise and the pitch
goes down.

Noise Level

Many of Tattoo’s voices have a noise source. The noise is used in various ways: to add a sharp click to the
attack portion of the sound, to simulate the rattle of snares, to add complexity to the sound of cymbals, etc.

Noise Level

knob controls the loudness of the noise relative to the pitched tone of the sound generator.

Turn the knob clockwise to make the noise louder. You can turn the noise off altogether by rotating the knob
completely anti-clockwise.