1 functions, leds and switches, 6 expanded interface auxiliary channels, A control leads available – CANOGA PERKINS 2240 Fiber Optic Modem User Manual

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Canoga Perkins

Various configurations of the 2240 provide local and end-to-end modem controls
including those listed in Table 1-A.

Table 1-A.

Control Leads


1.1.1 Functions, LEDs and Switches

The 2240 Modem incorporates a Loopback Control switch, labeled "Loop," located
on the front panel. Use of this switch is outlined in Sections 5 and 6.

Indicator lights are provided for Power On, Receive and Transmit Data activity,
Local and Remote sync, and Loop On. All of these indicators are located on the
front panel of the modem in both standalone and rackmount versions.

An 8-position DIP switch on the front panel is for the control of operating modes
and internal clock rates. Use of this switch is outlined in Section 3.

The electrical interface connection and fiber optic connections are made at the rear
panel of the modem.

The HI / LO optical power switch (refer to Section 2.2.1) is also located at the rear
panel of the modem.

Data / Clock


Send Data

Request to Send

Receive Data

Clear To Send

Send Timing

Data Set Ready

Receive Timing

Data Carrier Detect

Terminal Timing

Local Test
Remote Test
Sec. Request to Send
Sec. Data Carrier Detect
Data Terminal Ready
Ring Indicator