BendixKing KFC 500 User Manual
Page 6

February 15, 1996
The KFC 500 Automatic Flight
Control System is available in two
configurations for the Bell 430. There
is a basic three axis SCAS/Autopilot
system and a three axis
SCAS/Autopilot with Flight Director.
The KFC 500 SCAS/Autopilot with
Flight Director is integrated with the
KAD 480 Central Air Data System
and the electronic flight instrument
system to enhance user-friendliness
as well as system annunciation.
This system combines complete sta-
bility augmentation, autopilot, and
optional flight director computation
functions in a single computer. Its
digital flight computer and integrated
architecture enable the KFC 500 to
determine helicopter control require-
ments sooner, and to execute them
with greater smoothness and accu-
racy than previous generation sys-
Digital, solid-state design throughout
the Flight Control System provides
maximum reliability while economiz-
ing on system weight and required
installation space.
The KFC 500 is designed to optimize
passenger and flight crew comfort,
while still providing accurate control
response in any flight situation.
Whenever possible, autopilot
induced aircraft motions border on
the lower limits of human perceptibil-
ity, ensuring exceptionally smooth
flight. The Flight Control System’s
maximum command values were tai-
lored for the Bell 430 during the air-
craft certification process.
Internal safety monitors and auto-
matic self-test functions keep con-
stant track of the KFC 500’s status,
and provide signals for automatic
shutdown of impaired control axes or
flight director functions if available.
When the KFC 500 de-couples a
SCAS/autopilot axis it both engages
the affected servo brake and shuts
off motor drive power, providing dual
layers of protection against servo
In addition to reliability and light
weight, the KFC 500 is designed to
be easily maintained in the field. Self-
contained diagnostic tests assist
trouble-shooting done by mainte-
nance personnel at Honeywell fac-
tory approved service centers. The
Built-In-Test functions enable a tech-
nician to trace faults. Qualified
Honeywell service centers around
the world are ready to provide assis-
tance whenever necessary.
Table of Contents
June 15, 1999
Normal Operation (Continued)
Indicated Airspeed Hold (IAS) .....................................29
Overspeed Protection..................................................30
Vertical Speed Hold (VS).............................................30
Flight Control System Components ...................................31
KSA 572 Trim Actuator................................................31
Force Trim and AP Trim ..............................................32
KSM 575 Linear Actuator Assembly............................32
KCP 520 Flight Computer............................................33
AFCS Sensors ...................................................................33
KVG 350 Attitude Gyro ................................................33
KCS 305 Slaved Compass System .............................33
KRG 333 Rate/Acceleration Sensor ............................34
Control Position Transducer ........................................34
KAD 480 Air Data System ...........................................34
KDC 481T Air Data Computer...............................34
KAV 485 Altitude/Vertical Speed Indicator............35
Emergency Procedures/Limitations............................................39
Preflight Procedures.....................................................................41
Operational Examples ..................................................................43
Performance Specifications.........................................................69