Normal operation – BendixKing KFC 500 User Manual

Page 11

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Normal Operation


June 15, 1999


Normal Operation



June 15, 1999

Lateral Command Control

Activated by the Cyclic Beep Trim

(CBT) switch when the AP mode is
on, Lateral Command Control modi-
fies the autopilot’s reference roll atti-
tude. When Lateral Command
Control is used, the aircraft will be
commanded to follow the pilot’s or
copilot’s input to roll left or roll right. If
the switch is given a discrete push
the first click will yield 6° of bank and
1° per click thereafter. If the switch is
pressed continuously the system will
command a constant roll rate until
the beep trim switch is released.

Upon release of the CBT switch, the
autopilot will command the aircraft to
maintain the existing roll attitude.
Roll attitudes of less than six
degrees of bank will cause the
autopilot to revert to commands for
roll-level with heading hold.

Autopilot mode will provide com-
mands to maintain the current pitch
attitude and heading. If the roll atti-
tude is not level upon AP engage-
ment, the autopilot will command a
level attitude and maintain the head-
ing at the time the aircraft rolls level.

Desired roll and pitch attitudes may

be selected by several methods.
Adjusting the helicopter’s attitude
manually may be accomplished by
pressing the Force Trim Release
(FTR) switch (on the cyclic) to the
first detent while moving the cyclic
(and the helicopter to the desired
attitude). Upon release of the FTR,
the autopilot will provide commands
to maintain the target pitch and roll
attitude if greater than 6°. If the roll
attitude is less than 6° the system
will return to roll level and hold the
existing heading. The pilot may man-
ually fly the aircraft to a new attitude,
press and release the FTR switch,
and release the cyclic (Fly Through
mode). When the system senses
pilot fly through (detents made in
force feel springs) the system will

revert to SCAS. The system will
return to AP (attitude hold) after the
FTR switch is released. The system
will hold the existing pitch attitude
reference existing at the time of
release and will return to roll

level/heading hold. The pilot may
momentarily fly the aircraft manually
at any time. After release of the
cyclic the autopilot will return to atti-
tude hold (AP annunciated), and fly
the aircraft back to the attitude exist-
ing at the time that the pilot inter-
vened. Alternatively, attitude hold
commands may be modified by mov-
ing the Cyclic mounted Beep Trim
(CBT) switch in the appropriate

The yaw axis augments rotorcraft

stability by opposing uncommanded
yaw motion and providing ball cen-
tering. Loss of #1 hydraulic system
automatically disconnects the flight
control system from the yaw axis. In
case of #1 hydraulic power loss, con-
sult the Rotorcraft Flight Manual for
the procedures specified for AFCS
yaw axis operation.