Normal operation – BendixKing KFC 500 User Manual
Page 16

Normal Operation
June 15, 1999
Normal Operation
February 15, 1996
If the Bell 430 is equipped with copi-
lot EFIS, a Pilot in Command (PIC)
switch will be located above the KMS
540 Mode Select Panel. This switch
determines which pilot is in control of
the KFC 500 flight director. L (left) or
R (right) will be lit depending on
which position the switch is in.The
KFC 500 will engage in only one hor-
izontal and one vertical tracking
mode at a time. Flight Director armed
modes do not conflict with active
(capture or track) modes. For exam-
ple, selecting a new course in the
NAV ARM mode, or a new altitude in
Altitude Select, does not affect active
tracking modes such as Heading or
Vertical Speed Hold. It is often useful
to engage a separate mode to pro-
vide flight guidance to the capture
point for a course or altitude pre-
selected in an Arm mode. The Flight
Director System will transition auto-
matically to capture the armed mode,
canceling the previous selected
mode. Examples of this operation
are described in the Operational
Examples section of this Pilot’s
To cancel a flight director mode
engaged in either capture or tracking
operations, either select an alternate
tracking mode or press and release
the engaged mode’s push-button on
the mode select panel. The latter
method also cancels modes while in
their Arm phases. Go Around is an
exception. The collective mounted
push-button provides the engage
function only. To disconnect Go
Around select another pitch mode.
The Flight Director provides the
basic modes - Roll Attitude
level/Heading Hold and Pitch
Attitude Hold. These default modes
provide basic flight stability and
serve as safety backups in the event
that the flight director cancels an
active mode due to loss of a required
navigation signal or sensor failure.
Engaging the KFC 500 in any track-
ing mode automatically cancels the
corresponding default mode for that
particular axis.
Pitch Attitude Hold & Roll
Attitude Hold (FD)
In the absence of any other selected
Flight Director modes, the system
will provide commands to maintain
current pitch attitude and establish a
level roll attitude. When roll attitude
approaches six degrees or less bank
angle, the flight director will provide
commands to maintain constant
Desired roll and pitch attitudes may
be selected by several methods. If
the Flight Director is coupled to the
autopilot (AP ON), the helicopter’s
attitude may be manually adjusted
by pressing the Force Trim Release
(FTR) switch to the first detent while
moving the cyclic (and helicopter) to
the desired attitude. Upon release of
the FTR switch, the Flight Director
will provide commands to maintain
the new target Pitch and Roll attitude
(or Heading). Alternatively, Attitude
Hold commands may be modified by
moving the cyclic mounted Cyclic
Beep Trim (CBT) switch in the
appropriate directions
If a target roll attitude of six degrees
or less is selected, the Flight Director
will provide commands to maintain
the helicopter’s current heading.
Selecting any horizontal or vertical
tracking mode cancels Roll
Attitude/Heading Hold or Pitch
Attitude Hold, respectively. Either
mode may be used in conjunction
with any Arm mode to provide flight
guidance for course or altitude inter-
cepts. Pressing the FD switch with-
out any FD modes engaged will
engage the basic default modes.
Pressing FD when any modes are
engaged will disengage all Flight
Director modes. Pressing FD when
AP engaged will disconnect all FD
modes and revert to basic AP
Attitude Hold modes.
Lateral Command Control
Activated by the Cyclic Beep Trim
(CBT) switch when the Flight
Director is on, Lateral Command
Control modifies the system’s refer-
ence attitude during operations in
Roll Attitude Hold. Operating Lateral
Command Control does not affect
Capture/Track in Navigation (NAV)
mode or Capture/Track in Approach
(APR) mode. To operate Lateral
Command Control with Navigation or
Approach mode in track, the mode
must first be deselected by pushing
the button on the Mode Select Panel.
When the system mode is roll level
or bank angle hold (FD and/or AP)
and the Lateral Command Control is
used, the aircraft will be commanded
to follow the pilot’s input to roll left or
right. If the switch is held continu-
ously the system will command a
constant roll rate until the beep trim
switch is released. If the switch is
pushed discretely, the first push will
yield 6° of bank and 1° of bank for
each additional push or click.
Upon release of the CBT switch, the
flight director will command the air-
craft to maintain the existing roll atti-
tude. Roll attitudes of less than six
degrees of bank will cause the Flight
Director to revert to commands for
roll-level flight with heading hold.
The heading bug on the EHSI may
be slewed to a new heading using
the CBT switch. With heading select
(HDG) mode engaged, move the
CBT switch to the left or right to re-
position the heading bug.