BendixKing CNI 5000 User Manual
Page 8

Modes, “dA 1” through “dA 3.” Press the
frequency transfer button to exit the Display
Adjust Mode.
Display Adjustment 1 (dA 1) is used to
vary the dim/bright response time to
changes in ambient light on the display
photocell. The range of values for dA1 is
1-8, with 1 representing normal.
The normal setting, 1, provides immedi-
ate display brightness changes when there
are changes in the light falling on the pho-
tocell. With dA1 set to a value of 8, the
response time is approximately eight sec-
onds. dA1 values of 2 through 7 provide
intermediate response times.
Display Adjustment 2 (dA 2) is used to
vary the display brightness when ambient
light conditions are less than direct sun-
light, such as in a dark cockpit. dA 2 val-
ues range from 0-64, with 0 being dimmest
and 64 being brightest; the normal dA 2
setting is 20.
dA 3 values range from 0 to 255, with 0
being the dimmest and 255 being the
brightest. The adjustment varies the
amount of ambient light required for the
display to reach its full dim and bright lev-
els. Normal dA 3 values for a new display
range from 0 to 30.
A common use of dA 3 is to adjust the
COMM display brightness to match the
brightness of the other displays. Another
use is to provide display brightness com-
pensation as the display ages.