Cybex U.GO User Manual
Page 18

nOte: pleAse MAKe sure thAt the bAnds
Are not tWisted And AlWAYs unfolded
properlY especiAllY At the child’s bAcK.
taKInG OUt the ChIlD:
hold on tight to the child while loosening the sling
until you reach the first knot. (step 5). Loosen this
knot until you are able to pull the baby to the front
from under your arm. You can now take the child out
of the sling.
bend forward and hold on to the child. untie the
sling until you reach the first knot. Slowly lower the
child onto a suitable surface by supporting the child
with one hand at all times while gradually loosening
the sling with the other hand.
b) tIeD wIthOUt the help OF an eXtRa
1. spread the u.go sling unfolded on a safe and
straight surface. now gently lay the child on the
sling’s midpoint ,so the neck and shoulders are in
line with the upper rim of the sling.
2. slightly pull the lower edge of the sling up between
the legs of the child.
3. stand with your back towards the child and take both
ends of the sling in one hand. With the other hand
support the neck of your child.
4. pull the child towards your back. bend forward
while pulling the sling with one hand and holding the
bottom of the child with the other.
5. tie a single knot under your chest. remain bent
6. bring one band to the back over the shoulder. guide
it diagonally across the back of the child and lead
it back to the front by pulling it under the leg of the
7. tuck this end between your knees and bring the
other band to the back.
8. Again cross this band diagonally over the first one,
across the child’s back and bring it forward by pulling
it under the child’s leg.
9. straighten up and pull at both ends of the sling.
10-11. cross both bands at the belly, bring the back
again and tie a knot behind your back (below the