Cybex U.GO User Manual

Page 14

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nOte: pleAse MAKe sure thAt the sling is not tWisted. in order to AchieVe

A perfect Weight distribution it is cruciAl to unfold the sling As Much As

possible And thAt the cross in the bAcK is locAted As loW As possible.

While tYing the sling, pleAse MAKe sure thAt the child rests in A sAfe plAce

(e.g. crib).

Right part of the

belly band

left cross band

sling’s middle point

1. follow the basic steps A-f. if you prefer to carry the

child with its head on the left please make sure that

the inner cross band (the one directly located on the

chest) leads over the left shoulder. slide the right

cross band from your right arm.

2. loosen the left cross band by releasing it slightly

from your hip.

3. open the inner cross band in order to create some

kind of cradle.

4-5. pick the baby on your left arm and gently lay the

child into the cradle (with its head close to your


6. pull the left cross band carefully over the head of

the child.

7. put the right cross band back on your shoulder

adjusting the sling slightly over the baby’s body.

8. slightly pull the child towards you – please

make sure that the baby’s arm rests comfortably

underneath its body.

newborns are most comfortable when they are

carried close to the heart (i.e. with the head on

the left side of the chest). however, this carrying

position can also be conducted on the right side









1. CRaDle pOsItIOn

(FOR newbORns Up tO 3 M)