Iii. carrying instructions – Cybex U.GO User Manual
Page 13

A) first fold the u.go lengthwise in half, as shown in
picture A. take the u.go sling in both hands and
hold the midpoint of the sling in front of your navel.
b) bring both bands to the back and cross them over
each other.
c) bring them back to the front by leading them over
the shoulders.
d) cross the bands in front of the chest.
e) thread both ends under the belly band.
f) bring the ends to the back again cross them once
more and tie a knot in front of the navel.
basIC steps:
1. Please wash the u.GO before first use, following the care instructions.
2. the tying of a sling is really simple and only requires a little bit of practice.
in the beginning please try the sling out in the comfort of your home.
When you have practised the tying try to be calm and wait for a convenient
moment when the baby is also calm and relaxed (e.g. after a meal).
3. Make sure the sling is rather tight, not loose.
4. both the sling and the body contact with the carrying person produce heat.
Please make sure not to dress the child too warm and ensure there is sufficient air circulation around
the child. if the child starts to sweat it is too warm.
5. different children prefer different things. if your child is not comfortable with a carrying position you
can always try a different one.
6. Always be prepared for sudden movements of the child in order not to lose your balance.
7. please hold on to your child whenever you bend forward.
8. the cYbeX u.go sling is under no circumstances suitable for sporting activities!
II. please nOte beFORe FIRst Use:
I. what aRe the aDVantaGes OF the CYbeX U.GO slInG?
-When used correctly, carrying with the u.go sling is ergonomically optimal for both baby and
-the sling has positive effects on the emotional, social and physical development of the child.
-When using the u.go sling the weight distribution is excellent without straining the user, even if
used for longer periods.
-in order for babies to feel calm and secure, they need close body contact such as rocking
movements or being swaddled. the sling offers all of these sensory sensations simultaneously.
-Also as the cYbeX u.go sling does not contain buckles or buttons there is no chance of injury.
-due to its compact nature the u.go sling is a perfect for to take on holidays, travelling or