Content, Dear customer – Cybex U.GO User Manual

Page 12

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1. crAdle position for neWborns (0 - 3 M) .................................................... 14-15

2. KAngAroo position for neWborns (0 - 3 M) ................................................... 15
3. sitting position fAce to fAce (3 M +) ................................................................. 16

4. hip position (3 M +) ................................................................................................16-17

5. bAcK position (3 M +)

A) tied With the help of An eXtrA person ......................................................17

b) tied Without the help of An eXtrA person ............................................. 18

6. sitting position fAcing forWArd (6 M +) ......................................................... 19

i. WhAt Are the AdVAntAges of the cYbeX u.go sling? ................................ 13

ii. pleAse note before first use ........................................................................... 13

iii. cArrYing instructions .................................................................................... 13-14

iV. guArAntee .................................................................................................................. 19

DeaR CUstOMeR!


thAnK You for buYing the cYbeX u.go sling. it is VerY beneficiAl for the bAbY to

be cArried in this WAY. the close phYsicAl contAct to the pArent strengthens

the bAbY’s bAsic sense of trust And encourAges A positiVe sociAl behAViour

While helping the Joints deVelop in A heAlthY WAY.


length: 540 cm, width: 60 cm

the cYbeX u.go sling is made of 100% elastic cotton. A great number of different go positions can be

offered, depending on the age of the child. in this manual we will show you the following six carrying


1. cradle position for newborns (0 - 3 M)

2. Kangaroo position for newborns (0 - 3 M)

3. sitting position face to face (3 M +)

4. hip position (3 M +)

5. back position (3 M +)

6. sitting position facing forward (6 M +)