Axesstel MV400 User Manual

Page 31

background image


Antenna + 1 bar

Low signal (-111 ≤ sig. < -103 dBm )

Antenna + 2 bars

Medium-Low (-103 ≤ sig. < -98 dBm)

Antenna + 3 bars

Medium signal (-98 ≤ sig. < -93 dBm)

Antenna + 4 bars

Medium-high (93 ≤ sig. < -88 dBm)

Antenna + 5 bars

Strongest signal (≥ -88 dBm)

2. Battery Icon



Blinking red

Battery error or very low

Blue empty battery

Battery low level

Blue with 1 bar

Battery level 25%

Blue with 2 bars

Battery level 50%

Blue with 3 bars

Battery level 75%

Blue with 4 bars

Battery level close to 100%

Progressing 1- 4 bars

Battery is charging

3. Network Connection Icon

This icon shows the wired network connection mode of your Modem. Only one
mode can be used at a time.


No computers connected to Modem


RJ-45 port or Wi-Fi is in use


USB port is in use


COM port is in use

Note that there is a USB/Ethernet switch in the front of the Modem to select
which preferred mode for your connected computers. The COM mode can only
be activated from the "Menu" window.

4. Air Interface Icon

This icon informs you that the Modem is tuned to a 1x or EV-DO wireless
network. By default your Modem is programmed to search and use EV-DO
network. If unavailable, the Modem will try to search for a 1x network.


No network available, no service


EV-DO network is available


1X network is available