Axesstel MV400 User Manual
Page 12

No EV-DO signal
Solid Green
Strongest level
Solid Orange
Medium level
Solid Red
Low signal
3. Connect LED
This LED informs you that the Modem is connected to a wireless network and
passed through the user/password validation.
Modem is not connected to network
Solid Green
Modem is connected to network
4. 1x/EV-DO LED
This LED informs you that the Modem is tuned to a 1x or EV-DO wireless
network. Normally your Modem is programmed to search and use EV-DO
network. If unavailable, the Modem will try to search for a 1x network. Please
check with your Service Provider for default setting.
OFF 1x
Solid Green
5. Ethernet LED
This LED indicates that there are computers connecting to your Modem via one
of the RJ-45 ports. When the LED is blinking, it indicates that there are activities
(data passed through).
No RJ-45 (Ethernet) connection
Solid Green
At least one of the RJ-45 ports in use
Blinking Green
Active data passed through the ports
6. Wi-Fi LED (MV400-series only)
This LED indicates that your Modem is setup to have Wi-Fi capability. When the
LED is blinking, it indicates that there are activities (data passed through).
Solid Green
Wi-Fi network within Modem is activated
Blinking Green
Active data passed through Wi-Fi