Vermont Casting 2310 User Manual

Page 18

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Vermont Castings Vigilant


Reloading the Stove

Put on a small layer of fresh coal and allow it to catch
before clearing the grates of ash. Once the new coal is
ignited, shake the grates with full, steady strokes of the
shaker handle. Stop shaking when red coals cover the
ashpan or when you feel resistance. Using the slicer,
clear ash from between the bars of the front grill. Also,
clear ash from along the sides and the back of the grate
area. Leave a bed of hot coals on the grates to ignite
new fuel.
If the fire has burned very low before reloading, add just
a small amount of fuel at a time and leave the damper
open while the fire is regaining strength. Once the fire
is burning briskly again, you may add coal layer by
layer until you have re-built a full bed.
The new fuel must be burning briskly before you reduce
the air supply or close the damper.

Important Warm-weather Considerations

Draft strength depends on the temperature difference
between the outside air and flue gases. When the
outside temperature rises, this temperature difference
becomes smaller and draft problems can result.
Avoid draft problems when the outside temperature
is 35°F. or higher, by operating your stove with the
damper open to keep flue temperatures high.
If draft problems occur when the wind is blowing, install
a chimney cap designed to stabilize draft under windy

Remove Ash Regularly

To avoid blocking incoming air, empty the ash pan be-
fore the ash reaches the top of the pan.
Empty the ash pan before shaking the grates so you do
not have to handle an ashpan that is full of hot embers.
Use care when handling and disposing of ash, particu-
larly if there are hot embers.
To empty the ash pan, open the ash door and remove
the pan from the stove. Carry the pan to your ash dis-
posal container.
Check that there is no accumulation of ash in the bot-
tom of the stove, and remove any that is found before
replacing the ashpan.

Dispose of Ash Safely

A container for ash disposal must be made of metal and
must have a tight fitting lid. It must be located outdoors
away from all combustible material. Ash taken from an
operating stove may continue to burn and to generate
heat and gases for many days.
Dispose of ash properly. Coal ash should not be used
in the garden, as it may contain unacceptable levels of
toxic heavy metals.