Phase, Days 5 thru 8 - distraction phase, Days 9 thru 14 - unleashed supervision – Petsafe In-Ground Fence™ User Manual

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Days 5 thru 8 - Distraction Phase

Perform three training sessions per day, each lasting 10 to 15 minutes.

To train your pet to stay within the Pet Area with distractions outside of the Pet Area.

• Program the Static Correction Level on the Receiver Collar to level 2 or higher depending on the reaction results

from days 2 thru 4.

• Put a separate non-metallic collar on your pet’s neck ABOVE the Receiver Collar and attach a leash.

Be sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the Contact Points.

• Have tiny pieces of treats available (hot dogs or lunch meat work well).
• Have your pet’s favorite play toy available.
• Create distractions to tempt your pet to enter the Static Correction Zone, such as:

Have a family member cross from inside the Pet Area to outside of it.

Throw a ball or treat outside of the Pet Area.

Have a neighbor walk their pet outside of the Pet Area.

• Gradually increase distraction level. Never coax or call your pet out of the pet area.

1. With full control of your pet on a leash, have the distraction presented.
2. If your pet does not move toward the distraction, praise and offer a treat.
3. If your pet does react to the distraction, allow him to go into the Static Correction Zone.
4. Help your pet back into the Pet Area if he does not turn back after 2 seconds.
5. Treat and praise your pet anytime he comes back into the Pet Area with or without help.
6. Repeat this process with other distractions. Use other family members during this process.
7. If your pet does not respond to the Static Correction, confirm that the Receiver Collar is fitting properly

according to Step 9 on page 20.

8. If the Receiver Collar is fitted properly and if your pet does not respond to the Static Correction, increase the

Static Correction Level by 1.

Days 9 thru 14 - Unleashed Supervision

Training sessions should start at 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing to over an hour.
Your pet is ready for this step only when he clearly avoids the entire Static Correction Zone, regardless of any

distractions or temptations. During this step, do not leave your pet unattended.

To give your pet free run of the Pet Area off the leash.

Adjust the Receiver Collar to the permanent setting appropriate for your pet.

1. Enter the Pet Area with your pet wearing the Receiver Collar.
2. Walk around the yard and play with your pet, staying within the Pet Area at all times.
3. Preoccupy yourself with another task in the yard while watching your pet.
4. Should your pet escape, take the Receiver Collar off and lead him back into the Pet Area.


